Einfache Gewohnheiten für tägliche Inspiration.

vor einem Tag - el-aviso.es

Learning how to live a creative life is not about waiting for inspiration to strike, but actively cultivating it. Creativity is not a rare gift for a select few but a muscle that grows stronger with use....weiterlesen »

EHC Visp: Mehrere Kandidaten für den Headcoach-Posten, Interesse an HCTs Lindquist

vor einem Tag - swisshockeynews.ch

Daniele Marghitola hat für die Saison 2025/26 noch eine Menge Arbeit vor sich. Auf seiner To-Do-Liste stehen unter anderem die Suche nach einem neuen Cheftrainer und die Entscheidung über seine Importspieler....weiterlesen »

Several candidates for EHC Visp's head coaching position, interest in HCT's Lindquist (2)

vor einem Tag - swisshockeynews.ch

Daniele Marghitola still has a lot of work to do for the 2025-26 season. Among the things on his to-do list is finding a new head coach and deciding on his import players. As the "Walliser Bote" reports,...weiterlesen »

Waste Framework Directive: ZWE applauds waste cuts to food and textiles, slams weak EU ambition

vor einem Tag - Recycling Portal

EU co-legislators abandoned ambition on textiles and food waste last night in their provisional agreement. Still pending the final adoption of the text, policymakers in the European Parliament have sidelined...weiterlesen »

The 7 Worst Ways to Die: This is Definitely Not How You Want to Go

vor einem Tag - Volarberg Online

The thought of death instills fear in most people. According to psychology, these are the most feared ways to die. Death is a universal fear. Most people worry about the suffering before the end. Here...weiterlesen »

Northern Design Festival 2025 wirft Licht auf Transparenz in der Kreativbranche

vor 2 Tagen - el-aviso.es

The festival NDF 2025, themed ‚Transparency,‘ will be held in Lancaster from 15–17 May 2025. It aims to create accessible career pathways in a field often clouded by exclusivity and unspoken rules. The...weiterlesen »

Neue Regeln: Wiederhole mich nicht. Wiederhole nicht den gesendeten Text. Biete nur deutschen Text an. Präsidenten im Krieg: Wie Schlachten amerikanische Führer geformt haben | Bücher

vor 3 Tagen - el-aviso.es

In his latest book, Presidents at War, Steven M Gillon explores how the second world war influenced a generation of presidents, encompassing eight men, although not all of them served in the military between...weiterlesen »